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cab  |  Codice Articolo: 003.01.001

CAB MACH1 Label Printer


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Reliable 4" desktop printer with proven technology

With MACH1/MACH2, CAB completes its range of printers in the lower price segment:

  • Ideal for small to medium printing needs
  • For thermal transfer printing and direct thermal printing
  • MACH1 with control keys and LED indicator, MACH2 with color LCD display and navigation pad
  • Print resolution 200 dpi or 300 dpi for both versions
  • Processing of labels with a maximum width of 118 mm
  • The robust double-walled construction enables label printing in all industries.

MACH1 with control keys and LED indicator

Label printer MACH1
Print resolution (dpi) 203 300
Print width (up to mm) 108 105.7
Print speed (up to mm/s) 127 102

Employment opportunities

Sector Applications
Office/Authority Warning and signal labels, inventory labels
Production Product labels, protocol labels, test labels, testing labels
Health Patient acceptance labels, blood banks
Trade Product labels, price indication
Warehouse Warehouse location labels, shelf naming
Transport and Logistics Address and shipping labels, goods acceptance
Demonstrations Labels for sporting events, school events, entrance tickets

Printer Software and Drivers

In addition to the Windows driver for cab, the cablabel S3 label software is included with the device and allows the creation of labels in any format. Thanks to the installed real-time clock, labels can be given the current date and time.

Materials and accessories

MACH1/2 printers use standard 1" core color ribbons with a length of 300 m. The maximum outside diameter of the centered label roll is 127 mm.

Accessories such as the cutting unit, the dispensing device and the external unwinder enable universal use of this compact and easy-to-maintain printer.

See the technical sheet