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MAXIMA is among the most complete software on the market today, dedicated to the pattern department of clothing companies: from pattern design, to size development, to fabric consumption optimization.
It combines traditional and computer-based tools, allowing a greater number of models to be created in less time.

It eliminates the most laborious and repetitive operations, thus increasing productivity, precision and quality of the final product.

The software is modular and provides for the upgrade of optional functions such as automatic placement, both for single workstations
which server, or the parameterization program to be able to perform simulations of changes to the various pieces that
they compose a basic model, in order to create a “tailor-made” model.

Direct Importers allow the management of proprietary files of the most popular CADs (Lectra, Gerber, Optitex, Audaces, etc.) both in input and output as well as all other standard formats:

  • LOVE.
  • DXF.
  • ASTM D6673.
  • ISO (for automatic cutting).
  • HPGL (for plotter/cutting).

See the technical sheet