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CAB XD Q Label Printer



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XD Q for double-sided printing on fabrics, heat-shrink tubing and other continuous materials

Print resolution 300 dpi for a print width of 105.7 mm, 600 dpi for a print width of 54.1 mm with special counter roller.

The temperature level can be set separately for each print head.

Printing can only be done on the top side of the material.

Automatic ribbon saving mode on the lower side of the material for the print head 1. In this case the print head is raised and the pigment ribbon is stopped during the material feed.

The separator is integrated into the external structure, safely separates the pigmented tape from the material and increases the feed accuracy.

Label printer XD Q4/300 XD Q4.2/600
Print head
Printing principle heat transfer
Print resolution ( dpi) 300 600
Print speed ( up to mm/s) 200 100
Print width ( up to mm) 105.7 54.1
External roll diameter ( up to mm) 300
Width ( mm) 10 - 110
Height ( from mm) 20
Pigment tape
Colored side external or internal
Length ( up to m) 450
Printer measurements
Width x Height x Depth ( mm) 248 x 395 x 594
Weight ( kg) 21
RS232-C, USB for a PC, Ethernet, peripheral, USB host, WLAN Standard

Printer Software and Drivers

In addition to the Windows driver for cab, the cablabel S3 label software is included with the device and allows the creation of labels in any format. Thanks to the installed real-time clock, labels can be given the current date and time.

See the technical sheet